Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unity Free Tutorials

Hola, this week for our unity video game tutorial we were to go out and find a tutorial to review ourselves, we needed one that reflected a feature or mechanic that we wanted to include our game. I chose to use a Jimmy Vegas tutorial that thought me how to produce a game over screen as well as a working health bar. The link for that video is right here Jimmy Vegas video #387.

The reason I chose this video is because my game will feature a multitude of hazards within each level. From enemies to fall hazards there are a few different ways to cause a game over screen. Due to that there's kind of a necessity for a game over screen, otherwise you couldn't really die, unless the game just repositioned you at the start of the level, but using a game over screen is just smoother.

In the video ol' Jimmy boy talks us through making the health bar, we essentially just make a red bar and use script to make it smaller every time you get hit by an enemy. When it becomes non-existentally small the game will produce the game over screen ad the player will be forced to go back to the start of the level.

(Example of a game over screen)

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