Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unity Free Tutorials

Unity Free Tutorials

Back at it again with yet another unity tutorial, this week were yet again allowed to go off and pick a tutorial of our choice that best relates to our game. Previous tutorials I've picked included tutorials regarding how to create a useable health bar and a fire with particle effects. This week I'll be using a tutorial by the one and only Jimmy Vegas about how to create moveable platforms within a game, the reason for this being that as I've progressed on making my game I've realised my concept was actually fairly difficult to do, especially when you're awful at Unity. So the concept of my game has slightly deviated to a a kind of platform adventure game, as such this tutorial will be really useful. Moveable platforms have always been a staple of platform games and to my knowledge I don't think a lot of other people are using them in their games, not that it makes a difference.

The tutorial itself is pretty straightforward, you just need to create the platform then move it while recording to make the animation. Then you just add some script to make it interactable with the player. Not the most advanced feature, but definitely one that can add a little something to my game.

(Le Jimmy Vegas tutorial)

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Games Testing

This week as part of our readings we were given material to read regarding game testing as well as how to give constructive criticism, obviously these two things go hand and hand. The first link discussed the aforementioned constructive criticism, it talked about how important it is to give unbiased and valid feedback when criticising a game, this makes sure that the criticism is as valuable as possible. Another point made by the post is to ensure that the feedback is clear, understandable and relevant, this insures that the receiver of the feedback fully understands it and can use it to improve on their game.

The second link we were given talked about game testing, one interesting thing of note that I found in the reading was how it stated that game testing from a gamer is just as valuable as game testing from a fellow developer. While developers would closely examine your game and look for flaws within it a gamer will instead give you first hand feedback. The gamer can also recount to you how your target audience would feel, as you are indeed trying to sell to gamers, not game developers.

(A desk of developers reviewing a game)