Sunday, November 17, 2019

First Playable

So this blog is about my first playable prototype for our multimedia development project. Overall I
don't think the project is going too badly however I have run into a couple of difficulties working with Unity game editor. For example the editor wont let me apply textures to terrain for some reason and as terrain is the only entity in the game that can be reshaped i'm unable to add things like hills or rivers into my game for the time being. I'm also a little bit behind in terms of progress on my game but this is mainly down to juggling the work with other modules and will get sorted out in time. 

In terms of whats going well for me so far? I am actually enjoying making the game, after messing around with it for a while I've come up with some cool aesthetic combinations that I think can make the game look appealing and unique. As aesthetic design was going to be a vital part of my final game I think that's a distinguishable step. I'll be catching up on progress later this week and then I should be up to date but otherwise i'm meeting my targets for the assignment and although i'm still unsure about some things regarding the Unity game editor i'm still optimistic that I can get the game done the way I want it done.

(Screenshot from my first playable)


  1. Heya Adam!
    Glad to see your game is going well, I know how hard "juggling" (as you called it) work and other modules can be. I don't even work and I can barely handle the workload myself!
    By the way, Jimmy Vegas made an updated video on applying textures to terrain, I think you should check it out! I had trouble with that as well at first, but the vid helped
    Looking forward to seeing your game!

  2. Hi Adam

    Your game is looking great so far. Even tho you seem to be running into problems your game is looking good. Some of the problems your running into can be fixed by looking up them online but they can be hard to find so you will have to specific when looking it up. I like the screenshot you used I'm able to see what your game is like.

    Have you consider making the map bigger so far it looks a bit small for what your game is going to be and have you consider using a different texture for your game to make it more colourful.

    I would suggest looking at videos online that will help you improve your game in the way you want. The videos can improve your game in a lot of ways. Overall the game looks good so good luck with the rest of it.

  3. Hey Adam,

    Your game looks great! You've clearly put a lot of work into it and it shows. After looking at all your project posts I can see you've made some serious progress.
    That's annoying about the textures. If you add in some shapes you could put a texture on them e.g rocks. It's easy enough when you're adding it to a 3D object - just drag and drop. Is there a point system in your game?

    Cant wait to play it!

