Monday, March 23, 2020

Reading 2

Hello, for some reason i'm about 8 weeks behind on readings so here's my attempt to catch up and pass the module, enjoy. Anyway, for our CA this year we're gradually adding towards making a book throughout the entirety of the module. We each chose our own chapters to cover and by the end of the year we'll combine our work to produce the aforementioned books. The two chapters I've selected are as follows,

Direct Payment Models


Dimensions of a Game World

Now, honestly these are pretty vague phrases, you wont even find anything related to gaming should you look up "direct payment models" but these two chapters are centered around topics that I find very interesting in gaming, payment and environment. That being said my research will be based on my interpretation of these phrases. 

Direct payment models, the way I see this is that this is the way games extract money from you, be it with upfront charges (ex. paying 70 euro for the new Fifa game) or via micro-transactions (paying 4.99 for an in game resource). The pricing can vary for a multitude of reasons depending on the type of content, Free games may be free but tend to push players towards paying small amounts of money for in-game currency and resources, while games with larger upfront charges tend to have downloadable content that will add more gameplay to the game and expand on the games story (effectively known as expansions).

My understanding of the dimensions of a game world is that it explores the size of a games map and how the maps height and width can determine how the game is played, for example battle royale games such as Fortnite require a huge 3D map by nature of its gameplay while a game like Mortal Kombat could easily be played on a small 2D platform. 

I'm excited to talk about and research these topics in later posts, thanks for reading.

Mortal Kombat 2

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